With our donation platform “live&learn Foundation” we want to support our partners in medium-term fundraising.
Be part of it and support our efforts with your time and skills, your networks or a monetary donation!
You can support our fundraising appeals not only with your donation, but also with your time as well as your skills and contacts. Depending on how much time you have, you can build new campaigns or support existing campaigns.
Support our ongoing campaigns for one of our partner projects with your donation! Donate securely through our donation portal! No donation is too small!
Discover Projects Now!If you have at least 8 weeks and can invest about 10 hours a week, support us to build and manage a new campaign for one of our partner organisations!
Find Out More!If you have less time, are enthusiastic about social media and are interested in networking and public relations, support one of our campaigns as a key influencer!
Find Out More!live&learn has been facilitating and mentoring tailor-made voluntary services, internships and sabbaticals for graduates, students and professionals since 2006.
Our mission is to give people from aound the world an opportunity for global learning and at the same time support South African non-profit organisations in their efforts to help build a socially and ecologically just society.
Since volunteering and interning has been impossible for most of 2020 and continues to be restricted in 2021 we decided we need to support our project partners in other ways so they can continue their work and fund their Covid-19 relief work. The idea of the live&learn foundation was born.